v0.19.299.3857 Demo

Hello there fellow Tiny Terrace enjoyers! 🌿🌱🌞

🌼 Changes this patch:

 - Added Ducks πŸ¦† *quack*

 - Added 3 New Plants: Cabbage, Blueberries, and Plum Trees.

 - Added 3 Decorations: 2 different Hay Bales, and a Barrel.

 - Added ability to have multiple save slots

 - Added Info tab to the journal which shows the stats of the little fellas.

 - Added the ability for the "Supplying" task to use the whole carry capacity of the fella instead of just carrying 1 at a time.

 - Added the ability to buy multiple items at once.

 - Added a main menu

 - Added something to auto-select purchased seed from the shop for placement.

 - An auto-language selector for new players.

 - Added ability to "ctrl" scroll when all menus are closed to flip through the seeds to plant.

 - Added a little polish to the bee movement.

 - Added new sprites to replace the seed sprites of each plant in the UI.

 - Added the ability to pick up the fellas

 - Added ability to name your little terrace.

 - Added the ability to click on the storage building which opens the inventory UI.

 - When the inventory or shop is open, holding "ctrl" and scrolling can be used to quickly adjust the sell or buy quantity.

 - Right-clicking while in build mode & not moving a building will now close build mode to avoid blocking the ability to mark plants for harvest.

 - Adjusted progress goals.

 - Fixed Errors on Buttons.

 - Fixed Coffee plant not being translated, causing errors.

 - Fixed shop and inventory tabs not being translated.

 - Fixed Journal not displaying plants correctly.

 - Fixed accidental editing of farm name and little guy names

 - Fixed the "Products" tab in the inventory displaying as "Buildings"

 - The cost per creation of the fella's now increases by 2 of whatever the right side required product is. (Wheat or Wood)

 - Fixed scrolling in the controls menu being able to be infinitely scrolled.

 - The Early Demo popup now only pops up once.

 - Fixed new item notifications in the shop displaying words instead of numbers on launch.

 - Can now exit the game to the main menu or desktop.

 - Fixed force harvesting small trees not removing the trees.

 - Removed an unnecessary function off of 20+ buttons.


TinyTerracesDemo.zip 85 MB
31 days ago

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